Full-Stack Terms Cheatsheet


Cloud Computing

Access group
A group of users and service IDs is created so that the same access can be assigned to all entities within the group with one or more access policies.
Access Control Lists
Administrative users
Create, update, and delete application and service instances, and need insight into their team members' activities.
Artificial intelligence
API keys
Unique identifiers are passed into an API to identify calling application or user.
Application Programming Interface
Application modernization
Helps organizations accelerate their digital transformation, take advantage of new technologies and services, and become more responsive to changing market dynamics
Application Performance Monitoring (APM)
Measures application availability and performance, providing tools needed to troubleshoot issues in an application's environment.
Application users
Users of the cloud-hosted applications.
Application Security
Audit and compliance
A critical service within identity and access framework used to validate implemented controls against policies.
Also known as identity service, it enables applications deployed to the cloud to authenticate users at an application level.
Availability Zones are distinct Data Centers with their own power, cooling and networking resources. These Zones can have names like DAL-09 or us-east-1.
Bare-metal hypervisor
Installed directly on top of the physical server. They're more secure, have lower latency, and are usually the ones you see in the market the most.
Block storage
Is presented to compute nodes using high-speed fiber connections, which means that read and write speeds are typically much faster and reliable than with file storage.
An immutable network allowing members to view only those transactions that are relevant to them.
Business Process Management
Broad Network Access
Cloud computing resources can be accessed through the network.
Bring Your Own Keys
Content Delivery Networks is a distributed server network that delivers temporarily stored, or cached, copies of website content to users based on the user's geographic location.
Client-side encryption
Occurs before data is sent to cloud storage.
Cloud computing
A model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.
Cloud directory services
Used to securely manage user profiles and associated credentials inside a cloud environment.
Cloud encryption
Also known as the last line of defense, it encrypts data and provides robust data access control, key management, and certificate management.
Cloud monitoring solutions
Assess data, application, and infrastructure behaviors for performance, resource allocation, network availability, compliance, and security risks and threats.
Cloud native application
An application developed from the outset to work only in the cloud environment, or an existing app that has been refactored and reconfigured with cloud native principles
Cloud Region
A geographic area or location where a Cloud provider's infrastructure is clustered, and may have names like NA South or US East.
Cloud security
Policies, technological procedures, services, and solutions designed to secure the enterprise applications and data on the cloud against insider threats, data breaches, compliance issues, and organized security threats.
Composite multicloud
A variant of hybrid multicloud, distributes single applications across multiple providers, allowing you to move application components across cloud services and vendors as needed.
Are an executable unit of software in which application code is packaged, along with its libraries and dependencies, in common ways so that it can be run anywhere, whether it be on desktop, traditional IT, or the cloud.
Continuous delivery
Delivering small, well-designed, high-quality increments of software to customers
Continuous deployment
Progressing each new packaged build through the deployment lifecycle as rapidly as possible
Continuous integration
Creating packaged builds of the code changes released as immutable images
Continuous monitoring
Monitoring with tools that help developers understand the performance and availability of their applications, even before they're deployed to production
Customer Relationship Management
Data center
A huge room or a warehouse containing cloud infrastructure.
Database monitoring tools
Help track processes, queries, and availability of services to ensure the accuracy and reliability of database management systems.
Decryption key
Defines how the encrypted data will be transformed back to legible data.
Dedicated hosts
Offer single-tenant isolation.
Delivery pipeline
An automated sequence of steps that involves the stages of Ideation, Coding, Building, Deploying, Managing, and Continuous Improvement
Developer users
Authorized to read sensitive information and to create, update, and delete applications.
Collaborative approach where business owners and the development, operations, and quality assurance teams collaborate to continuously deliver software
Direct Attached storage
Or Local storage is storage which is presented directly to a cloud-based server and is effectively either within the host server chassis or within the same rack.
Encryption algorithm
Defines the rules by which data will be transformed so that it becomes illegible.
Encryption at rest
Protecting data while it is stored.
Encryption in transit
Protecting data while it is transmitted from one location to another.
Encryption in use
Protecting data when it is in use in memory.
Scrambling data to make it illegible.
File storage
Is typically presented to compute nodes as 'NFS Storage'. NFS stands for Network File System and means that the storage is connected to compute nodes over a standard ethernet network.
Google Cloud Platform
Human Capital Management
Hosted hypervisor
There's a layer of host OS between the physical server and the hypervisor. These hypervisors are less frequently used and mostly used for "end-user" virtualization.
High-performance computing
Hybrid cloud
A computing environment that connects an organization's on-premises private cloud and third-party public cloud into a single, flexible infrastructure for running the organization's applications and workloads.
Hybrid monocloud
A hybrid cloud with one cloud provider.
Hybrid multicloud
An open standards-based stack that can be deployed on any public cloud infrastructure
A piece of software that runs above the physical server or host.
Infrastructure as a service is a form of cloud computing that delivers fundamental compute, network, and storage resources to consumers on-demand, over the network, on a pay-as-you-go basis.
International Data Corporation
Identity and access management
Also known as access control, it helps authenticate and authorize users and provides user-specific access to cloud resources, services, and applications.
Infrastructure monitoring tools
Identify minor and large-scale hardware failures and security gaps so that developers and administrators can take corrective action before problems affect user experience.
Input/Output Operations Per Second and refers to the speed at which the disks can write and read data.
Internet of things
Key management services
Help perform life cycle management for encryption keys that are used in cloud services or customer-build ap.ps
Keep Your Own Keys
Master Data Management
Measured Service
You only pay for what you use or reserve as you go.
Microservices architecture
Approach in which a single application is composed of many loosely coupled and independently deployable, smaller components or services
Break down large applications into their core functions
Monolithic architecture
Approach in which a single application is built out of one piece of software
Multifactor authentication
Adds an additional layer or authentication for application users.
Network File Storage
National Institute for Standards and Technology
Object storage
Storage not attached to a compute node, rather it is accessed via an API.
Platform as a service
Users can order cloud resources from a larger pool of available resources and pay for them on a per-use basis.
Post office protocol
Private Cloud
Cloud infrastructure provisioned for exclusive use by a single organization comprising multiple consumers, such as the business units within the organization.
Public Cloud
Users get access to servers, storage, network, security, and applications as services delivered by cloud service providers over the internet.
Rapid elasticity
You can increase or decrease resources as per your demand because of the elastic property of the cloud.
Provides a user-centric view of access to resources.
Reserved virtual server
Instances allow you to reserve capacity and guarantee resources for future deployments.
Software as a service
Software Defined Networking
Server-side encryption
Occurs after cloud storage receives your data but before the data is written to disk and stored.
Approach to computing that offloads responsibility for common infrastructure management tasks
Service discovery
Creates a roadmap for microservices to communicate
Shared or Public Cloud VMs
Are provider-managed, multi-tenant deployments that can be provisioned on-demand with predefined sizes.
SaaS integration platforms
Secure Sockets Layer
Total cost for ownership
Transport Layer Security
Transient or Spot VMs
Take advantage of unused capacity in a cloud data center.
User and service access management capability
Enables cloud application and service owners to provision and de-provision user profiles with minimal human interaction.
Utility model of billing
You are charged after the usage and at the end of the pre-defined period.
Process of creating a software-based or virtual version of something whether that be compute, storage, networking, servers, or applications.
Virtual Local Area Networks
Virtual machines are software-based computers, based on virtualization technologies.
Virtual Private Cloud
Virtual Private Networks

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

"Asynchronous JavaScript and XML" that encompasses more than asynchronous server calls through JavaScript and XML. It is not programing language or technology but rather a programming concept. Ajax represents a series of techniques that provide richer, interactive web applications through HTML, JavaScript, Cascading style sheets, and modifying the web page through the Document Object Model. The name is misleading though because nowadays, JSON is commonly used instead of XML.
An open-source JavaScript framework for dynamic web applications.
Anonymous Functions
A type of function that has no name or we can say which is without any name. It is declared without any identifier and is often used as a parameter of another function. It is a common way to execute a function immediately after its declaration.
Application Programming Interface (API)
Code that allows two software programs to communicate with each other.
A data structure that aids the programmer in the storage and retrieval of data by indexed keys. Arrays use a zero-based indexing scheme, meaning that the first element of an array has an index of zero. Arrays grow or shrink dynamically by adding or removing elements.
Build Automation Servers
Execute build-automation utilities on a scheduled or triggered basis.
Build Automation Utilities
Generate executables by compiling and linking code.
Build Automation
Allows you to download dependencies, compile code, package binary code, run tests, deploy to production.
Classes act as a blueprint or template for building objects with similar characteristics and behaviours. A class encapsulates data (in the form of properties) and functions (in the form of methods) that work on that data.
Client-Side Script
A program that accompanies an HTML doc or embedded in HTML. Scripts run during load of a document or when an action is performed. They can be used to validate forms, process input, or dynamically create document elements. Embed a script in HTML, with the <script> tag in either of the following ways:<script> // JS code </script><script src="path name"></script>Use <noscript> tag for browsers with JavaScript disabled or ones that don't support JavaScript.
Component Framework
Component frameworks provide pre-styled components and templates which are easy to add to any website.
Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
A method for releasing code and integrating it into code that has already been developed in order to prevent the application from breaking throughout the app's lifecycle.
"Cascading Style Sheets" is a style sheet language that describes how HTML elements are displayed. It is the design that is layered over the top of an HTML web page.
A framework for Python web development.
Document Objects
Document representing the main web page that gives access to all HTML elements on the page. When page is loaded HTML doc becomes a document. It is referred to with "document".
"Document Object Model" is a programming interface (API) between HTML and JavaScript. It allows for dynamically accessing and updating content, structure, and style. JavaScript uses the DOM to access and modify web page elements in the browser.
Dynamic Content
Data that is created each time a request is sent to a server.
Element Nodes
All HTML tags.
Element Objects
The most general base class that all element objects in a Document inherit. It only has methods and properties common to all elements. Everything in a HTML page is an element. And one element can have other elements nested within itself.
The point at which an API connects with the software program.
Event Binding
Refers to telling the browser that a function should be called whenever some 'event' occurs.
Event Handlers
A function that declares what to do when an action is performed such as the click of a button. Example: <button type="button" onclick="showAnswers()"> Show Solution <script> function showAnswers() { //code alert(""A"") } </script></button> Note that showAnswers() is an event handler.
An event is something either a browser or a user does that the JavaScript can react to such as a button click or when a user submits input on a form.
This keyword is used in class declarations or class expressions to create a class that is a child of another class.
Fixed Layout
A fixed layout is a layout where you specify the height and width of elements, and those values remain the same regardless of which operating system or browser you use to access the website.
Fluid Layout
A fluid layout is a layout in which the height and width of elements is flexible and can expand or contract based on the browser window, the operating system, and other user preferences.
Provide a standard way to build an application. Frameworks dictate architecture and program flow.
Functions are modules of code that execute a particular task. They may take-in data, called arguments or parameters, and sometimes return data as well, called the return value. Functions are commonly defined with this syntax: function functionName() {  // function code;   // optional return statement; }
"Integrated Development Environment" helps create and manage code.
"Immediately Invoked Function Expression" runs immediately after it is defined. After the function executes it cannot be called again elsewhere in the program. It is a type of self-executing function.
Inversion of Control
A predefined workflow where the developer is not in full control of how the application operates.
JavaScript Framework
An application framework written in JavaScript to create responsive sites.
"Learner Style Sheets" add more style and functions to CSS.
A JavaScript tool that converts LESS styles to CSS.
They are reusable collections of code.
The basis of all elements in the Document Object Model (DOM) structure.
Objects are instances created from a class. They are real-world entities that represent the characteristics defined by the class. Objects have a special set of properties that store data and methods that specify behaviours. These methods and properties can be accessed and changed to carry out specific tasks and communicate with other programs.
Frameworks that have a lot of control are sometimes considered "opinionated".
Package Managers
Coordinate with file archivers to extract packages. Verify check sums and digital certificates. Locate, download, and install updates of existing software from a repository as well as manage dependencies. Common package managers include the following: Debian Package Management System (DPMS), Red Hat Package Manager for Linux, Chocolatery for Windows, Homebrew and MacPorts for MacOS.
Archive files that include app files, instructions for installation, and metadata.
A function prototype lets you easily define and add properties or methods to an object. Prototypes exist for all objects that can be created with the keyword "new". All object constructors create objects that inherit properties and methods that are defined by the prototype. At instantiation objects inherit the current state of the prototype. Note however, that scripts can override prototype properties and functions. Following is an example of using a prototype to add a method to the Car class: function Car(make, model, year) { this.make = make; this.model = model; this.year = year;} Car.prototype.getName = function() {return this.make + ' ' + this.model + ' ' + this.year;}
A JavaScript framework developed by Facebook that helps build and drop elements onto a page.
Responsive Design
Design technique that automatically resizes a display to adapt to a specific screen size.
Allows front-end client to plug into correct socket on the backend. They are the paths that network traffic takes from a virtual machine (VM) instance to other destinations.
"Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets" are an extension of CSS.
Offers developers means to modify and extend HTML documents in highly interactive ways. Scripts can be used to validate forms or to process input as it is typed. Scripts can be triggered by events that occur on a web page, such as the clicking of a button. Scripts can be used to dynamically create document elements on an HTML page.
Self-Executing Functions
Often used to initialize data or declare DOM elements. These functions can be anonymous.
Static Content
A display of data that has been previously stored on a server.
Text Nodes
The nodes that contain actual text that go between an element start tag and end tag.
Keyword "this" refers to current instance of the object. The value of "this" can vary depending on how the object is called.
Utility Framework
The utility framework provides utility classes that are scoped to individual CSS properties, which helps in building custom designs in HTML files.
Version Control
Allows you to revert to earlier versions of code, resolves conflicts between the same files, and split and merge different code branches.
A community-based JavaScript framework focused on UI. Includes UI components such as buttons and other visual elements, and is both a library and a frame.
Web Storage APIs
APIs that allow data storage in a browser.
An "eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language" similar to HTML but with stricter formatting rules.
An "eXtensible Markup Language" Designed to store and transport data allowing users to define their own markup languages, primarily to display documents on the web.
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A separate line of development that allows to work on features or fixes independently.
A local copy of the remote Git repository on the computer.
A process of creating a copy of the project's code and its complete version history from the remote repository on the local machine.
A snapshot of the project's current state at a specific point in time, along with a description of the changes made.
Continuous delivery (CD)
The automated movement of software through the software development lifecycle.
Continuous integration (CI)
A software development process in which developers integrate new code into the code base at least once a day.
A computer programmer who is responsible for writing code.
Distributed version control system (DVCS)
A system that keeps track of changes to code, regardless of where it is stored. It allows multiple users to work on the same codebase or repository, mirroring the codebase on their computers if needed, while the distributed version control software helps manage synchronization amongst the various codebase mirrors.
A copy of a repository. You can fork a repository to use it as the base for a new project or to work on a project independently.
Forking creates a copy of a repository on which one can work without affecting the original repository.
Free and open-source software distributed under the GNU General Public License. It is a distributed version control system that allows users to have a copy of their own project on their computer anywhere in the world.
A web-hosted service for the Git repository.
GitHub branches
A branch stores all files in GitHub. Branches are used to isolate changes to code. When the changes are complete, they can be merged back into the main branch.
A complete DevOps platform delivered as a single application. It provides access to Git repositories, controlled by source code management.
A role that is responsible for managing changes made by developers.
Master branch
A branch that stores the deployable version of your code. The master branch is created by default and is definitive.
A process to combine changes from one branch to another, typically merging a feature branch into the main branch.
A term that refers to the repository where a copy is cloned from.
Pull request
A process used to request that someone reviews and approves your changes before they become final.
Remote repositories
Repositories that are stored elsewhere. They can exist on the internet, on your network, or on your local computer.
A data structure for storing documents, including application source code. It contains the project folders that are set up for version control.
Repository administrator
A role that is responsible for configuring and maintaining access to the repository.
SSH protocol
A method for secure remote login from one computer to another.
Staging area
An area where commits can be formatted and reviewed before completing the commit.
A term used by developers to refer to the original source where the local copy was cloned from.
Version control
A system that allows you to keep track of changes to your documents. This process allows you to recover older versions of the documents if any mistakes are made.
Working directory
A directory in your file system that contains files and subdirectories on your computer that are associated with a Git repository.
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Action creators
Functions that create actions.
JSON objects that contain information about changes that need to be made to the state. For example, a GET action obtains information, a POST action sends information, and a DELETE action removes information.
Angular is a platform for building mobile and desktop web applications.
Contains App, which is the root React component that you will add into your HTML page.
Arrow functions
Allow you to declare functions the same way you declare variables.
Asynchronous or async code
Runs in parallel, and an operation can occur while another one is still being processed.
A special in-memory tool that compiles JSX and interprets it as JavaScript.
A normal method called once a condition is met.
Central Store
holds the entire application list in the form of the 'state tree'.
An object that can be used as the assertion library.
A template or blueprint for creating objects.
Class component
Use JavaScript ES6 classes to create class-based components in React.
Core building blocks of React.
Component Lifecycle
A series of four phases make up the lifecycle of a component. These phases are: Initialization, Mounting, Updating, and Unmounting.
Component testing
When you render component trees in a simple test environment and assert their output.
Allows you to declare constants whose values cannot be changed.
Controlled input
Use React to fully control the element by setting and updating the input value directly.
Create React App
Simplifies the process of creating React applications.
Cross-origin requests
Requests that come from multiple sources.
Cascading style sheets.
Custom Hook
A new composition of one or multiple Hooks.
Document Object Model (DOM)
It defines the logical structure of documents and the way a document is accessed and manipulated.
A standard used for client-side scripting.
End-to-end testing
A multi-step test that combines multiple units and integrates all tests into one big test. It requires the running of a complete application in a realistic browser environment.
A library that can be added to your testing tools in order to render your React components.
ES is short for ECMAScript, which is a standards organization that creates a wide range of global information and communications technology standards.
JavaScript adheres to ECMA's specification EcmaScript6.
Enable the component to manage document object model (DOM) actions as a result of user interaction on the system.
Front-end frameworks
Are used to create a dynamic client that can connect to the server.
Functional component
Created by writing a JavaScript function.
High-order component
Are used to share logic with other components.
Enable functional components to attach local state with it, and this state will be preserved by React when the component re-renders.
Hypertext markup language.
Where you will add App to the HTML.
Initialization phase
The first component lifecycle phase. During this phase, the component is constructed with the given Props and default state.
A JavaScript test runner and assertion library used to test React components. It can be combined with Enzyme or the React Testing Library.
JavaScript XML which resembles HTML.
Allows you to restrict the scope of variables within the block where they were declared.
Local scope
Is the limited scope.
Local state
One of the two types of React states. Local state lives in a single component and is not used in other components. An example of local state is hiding and showing information. (See Shared state.)
Library that connects applications and services.
Object that can be used as the test runner.
Mounting Phase
The second component lifecycle phase. During this phase, the JSX is rendered.
Package manager for the Node JavaScript platform.
Attribute that controls changes in the form.
Payload property
An optional property that contains some data that is required to perform a task.
Represents the eventual completion of an asynchronous operation and its return value.
Short for 'properties.' Read-only objects that store attribute values of tags. Used to pass data from parent to child components.
Pure component
Do not depend on or modify the state of variables. Outside their scope.
When a user or software automation moves data from one location to another.
React elements
Used to render the component to DOM.
React Hook form
A form state management and validation library for React web-based applications and React Native mobile applications.
React package
Holds the React source for components and their states and properties.
React Testing Library
A set of helpers that let you test React components without depending on their implementation details. This library is a replacement for Enzyme.
ReactDOM package
This is the glue between React and the DOM.
Pure functions that receive the current state and an Action object and return a new state with the actions performed.
A state management library that is often used with React to handle the state of your application.
Redux Saga
Middleware that uses an ES6 feature called Generators to enable async operations.
Redux Thunk
Middleware that allows to pass functions within action creators to create async Redux.
Ref function
Used to get the form values from DOM.
Updates state of the form input elements.
Shared state
One of the two types of React states. Shared state is shared by multiple components and is complicated. An example of shared state is the list of all orders in an order application. (See Local state.)
An object that can be used to test JavaScript logic with objects such as spies, stubs, and mocks.
Snapshot testing
Testing that helps check and verify the component rendering result.
src folder
The main folder in which you will make changes.
A plain JavaScript object used by React to represent information about the component's current situation. States help track changes in a component.
Contains the Redux application's current state, other functions, and objects.
The class that is inheriting one other class.
Is triggered in the components whenever the state is updated in the store.
The class being inherited by the subclass.
Synchronous or sync code
Runs in sequence from top to bottom, and each operation must wait for the previous one to complete before executing.
A line-by-line review of how code executes. Testing replicates end user actions to ensure features work as intended.
Keyword that refers to the current object.
Type property
A string that identifies the action.
Uncontrolled input
Allows the browser to handle most of the form elements and collect data through React's change events.
Unmounting phase
The final component lifecycle phase. During this phase, the component is removed from the page.
Updating phase
The third component lifecycle phase. During this phase, the state of a component is updated, and the application is repainted.
Manages context changes and provides the component with access to a context.
Manages side effects such as document changes, HTTP, and so on.
Manages Redux state changes.
A hook that allows you to use state in your function. It adds state to a function component.
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Node.Js and Express

Access Token
A small piece of code that contains information about the user, their permissions, groups, and expirations that get passed from a server to the client.
Anonymous Function
A function that is not named. An anonymous function is often passed into another function as a parameter.
API Endpoint
The touchpoint where the API connects to the application it is communicating with.
Application Server
Transforms data into dynamic content and runs the business logic, which is the data storage and transfer rules.
Application-Level Middleware
Acts as a gatekeeper and is bound to the application. No request to the application server can go past it.
Short for "asynchronous". A process that runs independently of other processes.
The process of confirming a user's identity using credentials by validating who they claim to be. Authentication assures an application's security by guaranteeing that only those with valid credentials can access the system.
In token-based authentication, it is the process that gets executed when a web application wants to access a protected resource. A user authenticates against an authorization server.
Axios Package
The axios package wraps promises around HTTP requests. It returns a promise object.
Built-In Middleware
Can be bound to either the entire application or to specific routers. Useful for activities such as rendering HTML pages from the server, parsing JSON input from the front end, and parsing cookies.
Callback Function
A function passed into another function as a parameter, which is then invoked inside the outer function to complete an action. Instead of blocking on asynchronous I/O operations, callback functions are used to handle results when the operations complete.
Callback Hell
Many nested callback functions.
The layer in an MVC application regulates the flow of the data. It is responsible for processing the data supplied to it by the user and sends that data to the model for manipulation or storage.
Database Server
A server dedicated to providing database services.
Code, usually in the form of libraries and packages, that are called from other modules and reused in a program.
Error-Handling Middleware
Can be bound to either the entire application or to specific routers. Error-handling middleware always takes four arguments: error, request, response, and the next function that it needs to be chained to. Even if you don't use the next parameter, you still define it in the method signature.
Where the flow of a program is determined by particular events such as user input.
A highly configurable web framework for building applications on Node.js.
Generates code that cannot be altered to perform common tasks. Examples include Django, Ruby on Rails, and Express.js.
HTTP Headers
Additional information about and contained in an HTTP response or request.
HTTP Request
A method called by a client and sent to a server requesting access to a resource on the server.
HTTP Response
A method called by a server and sent to a client in response to an HTTP request.
HTTP Server
A type of software-based server that understands URLs and hypertext transfer protocol.
ID Token
An artifact that proves that a user has been authenticated and contains information about authorized API routes.
Inversion of Control
When the flow of control, such as the execution of instructions, is controlled by a third party.
JSON Payload
Data that is transferred in JSON format between the client and server in the header of an HTTP method.
A JSON Web token. An internet standard for creating encrypted payload data in JSON format.
Refers to the number of concurrent users, the number of transactions, and the amount of data transferred back and forth between the clients and servers.
Includes functions that have access to the request and response objects and the next() function.
The layer in an MVC application responsible for managing the data of the application. It interacts with the database and handles the data logic.
Files containing related, encapsulated JavaScript code that serve a specific purpose.
Where multiple tasks are executed simultaneously.
Short for "Model-View-Controller". It is an architectural pattern that divides an application into three components: model, view, and controller.
Node Framework
A framework that works in conjunction with Node.js. A framework is a skeleton on which an application is built for a specific environment. The framework is the fundamental structure that supports the application.
A JavaScript runtime environment that runs on Google Chrome's V8 engine.
Failure of a given thread does not cause failure in another, and the execution of a task is not blocked until execution of another task is completed.
Stands for node package manager. It is the default package manager for the Node.js runtime environment.
A directory with one or more modules bundled together.
Contains metadata information about the project, including dependencies and scripts.
Passwordless Authentication
A type of authentication that uses public/private key pairs to encrypt and decrypt data passed between client and server without the need for a password.
The data transmitted between client and server.
Private Key
In cryptography, it is a key that is known only to a specific client used to decrypt messages. Used in conjunction with a public key.
An object in JavaScript that acts as a placeholder for an asynchronous task that is yet to be completed. It is the object that is returned from an asynchronous method. When you define a promise object in your script, instead of returning a value immediately, it returns a promise. The promise has three states, which are pending, fulfilled, and rejected.
Public Key
In cryptography, it is a key that can be used by anyone to encrypt messages for a specific client. Used in conjunction with a private key.
Pyramid of Doom
Another term for "callback hell".
"Representational state transfer" is a set of guidelines for creating stateless client/server interfaces using HTTP methods.
An API used for communicating between clients and servers that conforms to REST architecture principles.
The code that associates an HTTP request method and a URL.
Router-Level Middleware
Bound to a router and not bound to an application. You can use specific middleware for a specific route instead of having all requests go through the same middleware. Then you bind the application routes to each router.
Runtime Environment
Behaves similarly to a mini operating system that provides the resources necessary for an application to run. It is the infrastructure that supports the execution of a codebase. It is the hardware and software environment in which an application gets executed. Node.js is an example of a backend runtime environment.
The application's ability to dynamically handle the load as is or shrinks without it affecting the application's performance.
A file that contains the code that handles server creation.
Session-based Authentication
A type of authentication where a user provides login credentials that are verified against stored credentials in a database on a server. A session ID is provided to the client and stored in the browser as a cookie.
Where only one command is processed at a given point of time.
Implies that each HTTP request happens in isolation in relation to other requests. The state of the client is not stored on the server; the state is passed to the server by the client for each request.
Template Rendering
The ability of the server to fill in dynamic content in an HTML template.
Contains three parts, the header, the payload, and the signature. The header contains information about the type of token and the algorithm used to create it. The payload contains user attributes, called claims, such as permissions, groups, and expirations. The signature verifies the token's integrity, meaning that the token hasn't changed during transit.
Token-based Authentication
A type of authentication that uses access tokens, often JWTs, which get passed between server and client with the data that is passed between the two.
A language that builds on top of JavaScript and provides type safety which assists with the development of large-scale applications by reducing the complexity of component development in JavaScript.
The layer in an MVC application responsible for rendering the presentation of the data that is passed to it by the model.
Web Server
Ensures client requests are responded to, often using HTTP.
Web Service
A type of web API that communicates using HTTP requests. It is the web service in the programming interface that sends and receives requests using HTTP among web servers and the client.
Node.js package to parse a string of XML elements into a JavaScript object.
notion image


notion image


notion image

Containers w/ Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift

A container
powered by the containerization engine, is a standard unit of software that encapsulates the application code, runtime, system tools, system libraries, and settings necessary for programmers to efficiently build, ship and run applications.
A Dockerfile
is a text document that contains all the commands you would normally execute manually in order to build a Docker image. Docker can build images automatically by reading the instructions from a Dockerfile.
A/B testing
Strategy is mostly used for testing new features in front-end applications. It is used to evaluate two versions of the application namely A and B, to assess which one performs better in a controlled environment. The two versions of the applications differ in terms of features and cater to different sets of users. Based on the interaction and responses received from the users such as feedback, you can choose one of the versions of the application that can be deployed globally into production.
is an iterative approach to project management and software development that helps teams deliver value to their customers faster and with fewer issues.
Automated bin packing
Increases resource utilization and cost savings using a mix of critical and best-effort workloads.
Batch execution
Manages batch and continuous integration workloads and automatically replaces failed containers, if configured.
The process of transforming inputs into a resultant object.
An OpenShift-specific object that defines the process for a build to follow. The build process makes use of the input sources and the build strategy. The BuildConfig is the blueprint, and the build is an instance of that blueprint.
Canary Deployments
Aims to deploy the new version of the application by gradually increasing the number of users. The canary deployment strategy uses the real users to test the new version of the application. As a result, bugs and issues can be detected and fixed before the new version of the application is deployed globally for all the users.
CI/CD pipelines
A continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline is a series of steps that must be performed in order to deliver a new version of software. CI/CD pipelines are a practice focused on improving software delivery throughout the software development life cycle via automation.
Circuit breaking
A method to prevent errors in one microservice from cascading to other microservices.
Client-server architecture
is a distributed application structure that partitions tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service, called servers, and service requesters, called clients.
Cloud Controller Manager
A Kubernetes control plane component that embeds cloud-specific control logic. The cloud controller manager lets you link your cluster into your cloud provider's API, and separates out the components that interact with that cloud platform from components that only interact with your cluster.
Cloud native
A cloud-native application is a program that is designed for a cloud computing architecture. These applications are run and hosted in the cloud and are designed to capitalize on the inherent characteristics of a cloud computing software delivery model.
Cluster Autoscaler
Also known as CA. An API resource that autoscales the cluster itself, increasing and decreasing the number of available nodes that pods can run on.
A set of worker machines, called nodes, that run containerized applications. Every cluster has at least one worker node.
Config Map
An API object used to store non-confidential data in key-value pairs. Pods can consume ConfigMaps as environment variables, command-line arguments, or as configuration files in a volume.
Configuration Change
A trigger that causes a new build to run when a new BuildConfig resource is created.
Container Orchestration
Container orchestration is a process that automates the container lifecycle of containerized applications.
Container Registry
Used for the storage and distribution of named container images. While many features can be built on top of a registry, its most basic functions are to store images and retrieve them.
Container Runtime
The container runtime is the software that is responsible for running containers.
Control Loop
A non-terminating loop that regulates the state of a system. A thermostat is an example of a control loop.
Control plane
The container orchestration layer that exposes the API and interfaces to define, deploy, and manage the lifecycle of containers.
In Kubernetes, controllers are control loops that watch the state of your cluster, then make or request changes where needed. Each controller tries to move the current cluster state closer to the desired state.
Custom code that defines a resource to add to your Kubernetes API server without building a complete custom server.
Custom build strategy
Requires you to define and create your own builder image.
Custom builder images
Are regular Docker images that contain the logic needed to transform the inputs into the expected output.
Custom controllers
Reconcile the custom resources (CRDs) actual state with its desired state.
A container runtime that does not run any specific program (daemon) to create objects, such as images, containers, networks, and volumes.
Ensures a copy of a Pod is running across a set of nodes in a cluster.
Data (Worker) Plane
The layer that provides capacity such as CPU, memory, network, and storage so that the containers can run and connect to a network.
Data plane
Communication between services is handled by the data plane. If a service mesh is absent, the network cannot identify the type of traffic that flows, the source, and the destination and make any necessary decisions.
Declarative Management
A desired state that can be expressed (for example, the number of replicas of a specific application),and Kubernetes will actively work to ensure that the observed state matches the desired state.
An object that provides updates for both Pods and ReplicaSets. Deployments run multiple replicas of an application by creating ReplicaSets and offering additional management capabilities on top of those ReplicaSets. In addition, deployments are suitable for stateless applications.
Designed for extensibility
Adds features to your cluster without adding or modifying source code.
is a set of practices, tools, and a cultural philosophy that automate and integrate the processes between software development and IT teams.
Docker client
is the primary way that many Docker users interact with Docker. When you use commands such as docker run, the client sends these commands to dockerd, which carries them out. The docker command uses the Docker API. The Docker client can communicate with more than one daemon.
Docker Command Line Interface (CLI)
The Docker client provides a command line interface (CLI) that allows you to issue build, run, and stop application commands to a Docker daemon.
Docker daemon (dockerd)
creates and manages Docker objects, such as images, containers, networks, and volumes.
Docker Hub
is the world's easiest way to create, manage, and deliver your team's container applications.
Docker localhost
Docker provides a host network which lets containers share your host's networking stack. This approach means that a localhost in a container resolves to the physical host, instead of the container itself.
Docker networks
help isolate container communications.
Docker plugins
such as a storage plugin, provides the ability to connect external storage platforms.
Docker remote host
A remote Docker host is a machine, inside or outside our local network which is running a Docker Engine and has ports exposed for querying the Engine API.
Docker storage
uses volumes and bind mounts to persist data even after a running container is stopped.
Docker Swarm
automates the deployment of containerized applications but was designed specifically to work with Docker Engine and other Docker tools making it a popular choice for teams already working in Docker environments.
An open container platform for developing, shipping and running applications in containers.
A composition of services, support and tools that are widely available. The Kubernetes ecosystem is a large, rapidly growing ecosystem where its services, support, and tools are widely available.
Enforceability (Control)
Istio provides control by enforcing policies across an entire fleet and ensures resources are fairly distributed among consumers.
Envoy proxy
All network traffic is subject to or intercepted by a proxy, called Envoy, used by the service mesh and allows many features depending on the configuration.
A highly available key value store that contains all the cluster data. For any deployment, the deployment configuration is stored in etcd. It is the source of truth for the state in a Kubernetes cluster, and the system works to bring the cluster state into line with what is stored in etcd.
Process of terminating one or more Pods on Nodes.
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
Also known as:HPA An API resource that automatically scales the number of Pod replicas based on targeted CPU utilization or custom metric targets.
Human operators
Understand the systems they control. They know how to deploy services and how to recognize and fix problems.
IBM Cloud catalog
provides various Services that range from visual recognition to natural language processing and creating chatbots.
IBM Cloud Container Registry
stores and distributes container images in a fully managed private registry.
Image Change
A trigger to rebuild a containerized application when a new or updated version of an image is available. For example, if an application is built using a Node.js base image, that image will be updated as security fixes are released and other updates occur.
An immutable file that contains the source code, libraries, and dependencies that are necessary for an application to run. Images are templates or blueprints for a container.
ImageStream Tag
An identity to the pointer in an ImageStream that points to a certain image in a registry.
An abstraction for referencing container images within OpenShift. Each image contains an ID, or digest, that identifies it. ImageStreams do not contain image data but rather are pointers to image digests.
Images are read-only; if you change an image, you create a new image.
Imperative commands
Create, update, and delete live objects directly.
Imperative Management
Defining steps and actions to get to a desired state.
An API object that manages external access to the services in a cluster, typically HTTP.
IPv4/IPv6 dual stack
Assigns both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to Pods and Services.
A platform-independent and popular service mesh platform, often used with Kubernetes. It intelligently controls the flow of traffic and API calls between services, conducts a range of tests and reduces the complexity of managing network services. Istio secures services through authentication, authorization, and encryption. Istio provides control by defining policies that can be enforced across an entire fleet. With Istio, you can observe traffic flow in your mesh so you can trace call flows, dependencies, and you can view service communication metrics such as latency, traffic, errors and saturation.
A finite or batch task that runs to completion.
Control plane component that watches for newly created Pods with no assigned node, and selects a node for them to run on.
Also known as kubectl Command line tool for communicating with a Kubernetes cluster's control plane, using the Kubernetes API.
The kubelet is the primary "node agent" that runs on each node. The kubelet takes a set of PodSpecs (a YAML or JSON object that describes a pod) provided primarily through the apiserver and ensures that the containers described in those PodSpecs are running and healthy. The kubelet doesn't manage containers which were not created by Kubernetes.
Kubernetes API Server
The Kubernetes API server validates and configures data for the api objects which include pods, services, replication controllers, and others. The API Server services REST operations and provides the frontend to the cluster's shared state through which all other components interact.
Kubernetes API
The application that serves Kubernetes functionality through a RESTful interface and stores the state of the cluster.
Kubernetes Cloud Controller Manager
A Kubernetes control plane component that embeds cloud-specific control logic. The cloud controller manager lets you link your cluster into your cloud provider's API, and separates out the components that interact with that cloud platform from components that only interact with your cluster.
Kubernetes Controller Manager
Runs all the controller processes that monitor the cluster state and ensures that the actual state of a cluster matches the desired state. Examples of controllers that ship with Kubernetes are the replication controller, endpoints controller, namespace controller, and service accounts controller.
Kubernetes Proxy
A network proxy that runs on each node in a cluster. This proxy maintains network rules that allow communication to Pods running on nodes-in other words, communication to workloads running on the cluster. The user must create a service with the apiserver API to configure the proxy.
is the de facto open-source platform standard for container orchestration. It was developed by Google and is maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Kubernetes automates container management tasks, like deployment, storage provisioning, load balancing and scaling, service discovery, and fixing failed containers. Its open-source toolset and wide array of functionalities are very attractive to leading cloud providers, who both support it, and in some cases, also offer fully managed Kubernetes services.
Label Selector
Allows users to filter a list of resources based on labels.
Tags objects with identifying attributes that are meaningful and relevant to users.
Linguistic Analysis
Detects the tone in a given text.
Load balancing
Balances traffic across Pods for better performance and high availability.
LinuX Containers is a OS-level virtualization technology that allows creation and running of multiple isolated Linux virtual environments (VE) on a single control host.
Man-in-the-middle attacks
A man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attack is a type of cyber-attack where the attacker secretly intercepts and relays messages between two parties who believe they are communicating directly with each other. The attack is a type of eavesdropping in which the attacker intercepts and then controls the entire conversation.
is an Apache Mesos framework. Apache Mesos is an open-source cluster manager developed by UC Berkeley. It lets users scale container infrastructure through the automaton of most management and monitoring tasks.
are a cloud-native architectural approach in which a single application contains many loosely coupled and independently deployable smaller components or services.
A Linux namespace is a Linux kernel feature that isolates and virtualizes system resources. Processes which are restricted to a namespace can only interact with resources or processes that are part of the same namespace. Namespaces are an important part of Docker's isolation model. Namespaces exist for each type of resource, including networking, storage, processes, hostname control and others.
The worker machine in a Kubernetes cluster. User applications are run on nodes. Nodes can be virtual or physical machines. Each node is managed by the control plane and is able to run Pods.
(Hashicorp) is a free and open-source cluster management and scheduling tool that supports Docker and other applications on all major operating systems across all infrastructure, whether on-premises or in the cloud. This flexibility lets teams work with any type and level of workload.
An entity in the Kubernetes system. The Kubernetes API uses these entities to represent the state of your cluster.
Helps to observe the traffic flow in your mesh, trace call flows and dependencies, and view metrics such as latency and errors.
OpenShift CI/CD process
Automatically merges new code changes to the repository, builds, tests, approves, and deploys a new version to different environments.
A hybrid cloud, enterprise Kubernetes application.
Operating System Virtualization
OS-level virtualization is an operating system paradigm in which the kernel allows the existence of multiple isolated user space instances, called containers, zones, virtual private servers, partitions, virtual environments, virtual kernels, or jails.
Operator Framework
Is a family of tools and capabilities to deliver an efficient customer experience. It is not just about writing code; what is also critical is testing, delivery, and updating Operators.
Operator Lifecycle Manager
(or OLM) Controls the install, upgrade, and role-based access control (or RBAC) of Operators in a cluster.
Operator maturity model
Defines the phases of maturity for general day two Operations activities and ranges from Basic Install to Auto Pilot.
Operator Pattern
A system design that links a Controller to one or more custom resources.
Operator Registry
Stores CRDs, cluster service versions (CSVs), and Operator metadata for packages and channels. It runs in Kubernetes or OpenShift clusters to provide the Operator catalog data to OLM.
Operator SDK
(which includes Helm, Go, and Ansible) Helps authors build, test, and package their Operators without requiring knowledge of Kubernetes API complexities.
Web console lets cluster administrators find Operators to install on their cluster. It provides many different types of Operators available, including Red Hat Operators, Certified Operators from independent service vendors partnered with Red Hat, Community Operators from the open-source community but not officially supported by Red Hat, and custom Operators defined by users.
Automate cluster tasks and act as a custom controller to extend the Kubernetes API.
Ensures that an object exists in the system, until the object is modified or removed.
Persistent Volume Claim
Claims storage resources defined in a PersistentVolume so that it can be mounted as a volume in a container.
Persistent Volume
An API object that represents a piece of storage in the cluster. Available as a general, pluggable resource that persists beyond the lifecycle of any individual Pod.
The smallest and simplest Kubernetes object. Represents a process running in a cluster; it also represents a single instance of an application running in a cluster. Usually, a Pod wraps a single container but, in some cases encapsulates multiple tightly coupled containers that share resources.
Section defines an optional build hook.
Logic in Kubernetes helps a pending Pod to find a suitable Node by evicting low priority Pods existing on that Node.
Private Registry
Restricts access to images so that only authorized users can view and use them.
In computing, a proxy is a server that acts as an intermediary for a remote service.
is a hosted service containing repositories of images which responds to the Registry API.
A ReplicaSet (aims to) maintain a set of replica Pods running at any given time.
is a set of Docker images. A repository can be shared by pushing it to a registry server. The different images in the repository can be labelled using tags.
A REST API (also known as RESTful API) is an application programming interface (API or web API) that conforms to the constraints of REST architectural style and allows for interaction with RESTful web services.
A method to prevent errors in one microservice from cascading to other microservices.
Rolling Updates
Provide a way to roll out application changes in an automated and controlled fashion throughout your pods. Rolling updates work with pod templates such as deployments. Rolling updates allow for rollback if something goes wrong.
Field controls how builds created from a build configuration need to run. Values include the default Serial (sequentially) and simultaneously.
Stores sensitive information, such as passwords, OAuth tokens, and ssh keys.
Restarts, replaces, reschedules, and kills failing or unresponsive containers.
Server Virtualization
Server virtualization is the process of dividing a physical server into multiple unique and isolated virtual servers by means of a software application. Each virtual server can run its own operating systems independently.
is a cloud-native development model that allows developers to build and run applications without having to manage servers.
Service binding
is the process needed to consume external Services or backing Services, including REST APIs, databases, and event buses in your applications.
Service Broker
Provides a short-running process that cannot perform the consecutive day's operations such as upgrades, failover, or scaling.
Service Discovery
Discovers Pods using their IP addresses or a single DNS name.
Service Mesh
A dedicated layer for making service-to-service communication secure and reliable. It provides traffic management to control the flow of traffic between services, security to encrypt traffic between services, and observability of service behavior; so, you can troubleshoot and optimize applications.
An abstract way to expose an application running on a set of Pods as a network service.
Software operators
Try to capture the knowledge of human operators and automate the same processes.
Source strategy
Section shows the strategy used to execute the build, such as a Source, Docker, or Custom strategy.
Source type
Determines the primary input like a Git repository, an inline Dockerfile, or binary payloads.
A tool for building reproducible container images. Also abbreviated S2i, it injects application source code into a container image to produce a ready-to-run image.
Manages the deployment and scaling of a set of Pods, and provides guarantees about the ordering and uniqueness of these Pods.
Storage Orchestration
Automatically mounts your chosen storage system whether from local storage, network storage, or public cloud.
A data store that supports persistent and temporary storage for Pods.
A tag is a label applied to a Docker image in a repository. Tags are how various images in a repository are distinguished from each other.
Tone Analyzer Service
is used for explaining service binding. This IBM Cloud Service uses linguistic analysis to detect tone in a given text.
Vertical Pod Autoscaler also known as VPA
An API resource that adds resources to an existing machine. A VPA lets you scale a service vertically within a cluster.
Volume Mount
entails mounting of the declared volume into a container in the same Pod.
Volume Plugin
A Volume Plugin enables integration of storage within a Pod.
A directory containing data, accessible to multiple containers in a Pod.
A trigger that sends a request to an OpenShift Container Platform API endpoint. Often this will be a GitHub webhook, though it can also be a generic webhook. If a GitHub webhook is utilized, GitHub can send the request to OpenShift when there is a new commit on a certain branch, or a pull request is merged, or under many more circumstances. Webhooks are a great way to automate development flows so that builds can occur automatically as new code is developed.
A workload is an application running on Kubernetes.
curl localhost
Pings the application.
docker build
Builds an image from a Dockerfile.
docker build . -t
Builds the image and tags the image id.
docker CLI
Start the Docker command line interface.
docker container rm
Removes a container.
docker images
Lists the images.
docker ps
Lists the containers.
docker ps -a
Lists the containers that ran and exited successfully.
docker pull
Pulls the latest image or repository from a registry.
docker push
Pushes an image or a repository to a registry.
docker run
Runs a command in a new container.
docker run -p
Runs the container by publishing the ports.
docker stop
Stops one or more running containers.
docker stop $(docker ps -q)
Stops all running containers.
docker tag
Creates a tag for a target image that refers to a source image.
docker -version
Displays the version of the Docker CLI.
Closes the terminal session.
Exports a namespace as an environment variable.
for …do
Runs a for command multiple times as specified.
git clone
Clones the git repository that contains the artifacts needed.
ibmcloud cr images
Lists images in the IBM Cloud Container Registry.
ibmcloud cr login
Logs your local Docker daemon into IBM Cloud Container Registry.
ibmcloud cr namespaces
Views the namespaces you have access to.
ibmcloud cr region-set
Ensures that you are targeting the region appropriate to your cloud account.
ibmcloud target
Provides information about the account you're targeting.
ibmcloud version
Displays the version of the IBM Cloud CLI.
kubectl apply
Applies a configuration to a resource.
kubectl autoscale deployment
Autoscales a Kubernetes Deployment.
kubectl config get-clusters
Displays clusters defined in the kubeconfig.
kubectl config get-contexts
Displays the current context.
kubectl create
Creates a resource.
kubectl create configmap
Creates a ConfigMap resource.
kubectl delete
Deletes resources.
kubectl describe
Shows details of a resource or group of resources.
kubectl expose
Exposes a resource to the internet as a Kubernetes service.
kubectl get
Displays resources.
kubectl get deployments
Lists the deployments created.
kubectl get deployments -o wide
Lists deployments with details.
kubectl get hpa
Lists Horizontal Pod Autoscalers (hpa)
kubectl get pods
Lists all the Pods.
kubectl get pods -o wide
Lists all the Pods with details.
kubectl get services
Lists the services created.
kubectl proxy
Creates a proxy server between a localhost and the Kubernetes API server.
kubectl rollout
Manages the rollout of a resource.
kubectl rollout restart
Restarts the resource so that the containers restart.
kubectl rollout undo
Rollbacks the resource.
kubectl run
Creates and runs a particular image in a pod.
kubectl scale deployment
Scales a deployment.
kubectl set image deployment
Updates the current deployment.
kubectl version
Prints the client and server version information.
Lists the contents of this directory to see the artifacts.
oc get
Displays a resource.
oc project
Switches to a different project.
oc version
Displays version information

Microservices and Serverless

API Gateway
API management tool that sits between a client and a collection of backend services
Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface - web server interface to call microservice asynchronously
Backend for Frontend
An executable unit
Contains executables to perform tasks such as inspecting source code, creating a build plan, or executing the build plan to produce a container image
Containers as a Service
Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Code Engine
Abstracts the operational burden of building, deploying, and managing workloads so that developers can focus on code development
Everything that can differ between deployments, might differ among environments
A standalone, all-inclusive, and executable unit of software packaged with libraries, dependencies, and runtimes
Container image
An immutable file containing all the application assets like source code, libraries, and dependencies necessary for an application to run
Creating, reading, updating, and deleting records
A command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs
Request to delete a record
A software platform for building and running applications as containers
A text file that includes all the commands to build a docker container image
Environment variables
Are easy to change across deployments without changing the code
A micro web framework that does not require particular tools or libraries
Request to retrieve a record
A query language that enables you to retrieve exactly what you need from the API
Horizontal scaling
Scaling by adding more instances of resources, also described as "scaling out"
IBM Cloud command line interface
IBM Cloud Console
A well-designed web portal for end users to conveniently manage their IBM cloud services, including the Code Engine
Integrated Development Environment
Runs executable code one time and exits
A single application is composed of many loosely coupled and independently deployable smaller services
Monolithic application
Has all or most of its functionality within a single process
specification Defines a standard, language-agnostic interface to RESTful APIs
Platform as a Service
Python package manager
Request to create a record
An API platform for building and using APIs
Request to update a record
Release stage
Combines the build with the deployment's current configuration so that the code is ready to run
A group of related container images
Representational State Transfer
Run stage
Implements the application
Software as a Service
Serverless computing
Abstracts both infrastructure and software environments. An architectural style where code runs using a cloud platform
Service discovery pattern
Helps applications and services discover each other
Service Oriented Architecture
Single page application
Means each request contains all the information required to process it
Strangler pattern
Helps manage the refactoring of a monolithic application in stages
Allows you to describe the structure of your APIs so that machines can read them
Transmission Control Protocol
Transport layer security
Virtual machine
A communication protocol based on Transmission Control Protocol
Web Server Gateway Interface - Python standard for communication between web servers and web applications or microservices
Andy yang’s learning curveCore Java

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chenoiLab - by Andy yang